About Us

“640K ought to be enough for anybody.”
– Bill Gates, 1981

Amblit Technologies was spun out of MMC AD Systems in the Fall of 2000. MMC AD Systems is an SMB business and technology consulting company that has worked with Fortune 500 corporations worldwide for 30+ years. MMC AD Systems also developed several commercial products, but today is now focussed on providing consulting services.

Amblit Technologies’ first product, Amblit Navigator, was conceived in the Fall of 2000. Active product development started in the Spring of 2001. First Alpha release of some core components occurred in September 2001.  A new user interface, based on containers, was released in July 2002. A limited commercial product release commenced in December 2002. Over the following several years several more web and enterprise based products were developed. In 2008 the company began work on the Amblit Easy Series programs, a set of low-cost, disposable programs for the consumer market.


Amblit Technologies’ mission is to develop and deploy the next generation productivity tools and programs that enable anyone easy access to computer based services, information and knowledge from any source, with or without a computer, using simple, state-of-the-art man-machine interfaces and the latest software agent technology.

Target Audiences

Amblit Technologies has focussed on three target audiences:

  • general computer and internet users;
  • small businesses and departments that need to distribute user requested, dynamic, real-time information with restricted access and secure distribution; and
  • large-scale software developers and service providers.

From time to time Amblit Technologies has pursued several different government grants and contracts leveraging its multi-agent technology.